Letters to the editor

From our June 20, 2012 edition

Dogged by mess

Sir, – On my daily dog walk today I felt inspired to write and comment about the ornamental attractions that are on show along Kilsyth’s streams and burns.

Day after day as I stroll along I find we have acquired even more objects of interest including shopping trolleys and baskets, children’s bikes, food cartons and the dreaded blue bag which adds a colourful addition.

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In fact, one day I even came across a white cane, linen basket, complete with three pairs of pyjama trousers flowing along with the current!

Seriously the Garrel Burn is a disgrace, especially along Provost McCann Walkway which should be renamed Provost McCann Run-A-Way. I’m sure we could arrange for Kilsyth to have a clean up in these areas or allocate this to people serving community service.

A clean up may encourage more visitors to walk these areas. After all, these paths and burns do lead up to Dumbreck Marsh and the canal. In turn, more visitors could create more income for the main street, benefiting us all.

I suggest that the council introduce a fixed penalty for anyone caught duping a littering these burns and the addition of very sturdy litter bins, maybe of the concrete type at regular intervals along the burn and other paths.

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