Councillor demands action at dangerous Milngavie junction

A councillor is calling for action at a dangerous junction at Milngavie – BEFORE someone is killed.

Councillor Jim Gibbons (SNP Milngavie) told the Herald an accident happens in the vicinity of the junction at Craigdhu Road and Dumgoyne Avenue at least once a month.

Jim, who is a driving instructor, said people who did not know the area and were following sat-navs, were to blame.

He said: “There is an accident here once a month and it is local motorists who are getting hit by drivers following their sat-nav straight through the junction.

“As a councillor I have been really taken aback by people in the street saying to me ‘Jim, something has to be done about this’.

Councillor Gibbons said he raised the issue a couple of years ago with East Dunbartonshire Council when the installation of traffic lights was discussed.

He added: “The statement from the Council at the time was, ‘if there were traffic lights there, the traffic would back up to the roundabout’.

“Strange then as they have allowed more housing there. There should be room for a roundabout but I will not speculate on a solution.

“The very least that needs to be done is clear road markings. I sympathise with the Council in the pandemic but it if the markings are not clear then there will be the potential for serious injury or even fatalities.”

He added: “I remember  former East Dunbartonshire Provost Eric Gotts was also a victim of this junction back in 2007.”

In the latest accident just over a week ago, a driver was lucky to escape serious injury when his red motor vehicle was involved in a collision.

Councillor Gibbons added: “The police do not always attend and I am not sure if they or the council are aware of the number of accidents at this location.

“I have asked the Council to reinstate the road markings as a matter of urgency and look at the functioning of this dangerous junction.

“ As it stands there could be at least one fatality. I would prefer that not to happen.”

Councillor Vaughan Moody, Joint Leader of East Dunbartonshire Council, said: “We are aware of concerns as regards this junction and relining works will be carried out in due course.”

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